Assignable Time Calculators

As per Joint Interpretation Bulletin No 1 (issued by the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association [TEBA] and the Alberta Teachers’ Association [ATA], Question 19, discusses that the 907 and 1200 hours is a cap and not a target:

Exceeding 1200 Hours: The 1200 hours teacher assignable time is the maximum assignable time that a teacher can be assigned. A teacher may not be assigned more than 1200 hours of assignable time and the jurisdiction cannot pay additional compensation. Jurisdictions are encouraged to provide for flexibility in scheduling instructional and assignable time so that no teacher exceeds the maximum time caps.

If you believe you are over the instructional or assigned time cap, or you calculate a different amount than the school or jurisdiction, the first step should be to discuss the discrepancy with school based administration. Before meeting with administration, ask a Teacher Welfare Committee (TWC) member to review your calculations. If the conversation with school administration does not solve the issue and you believe you are over the maximum assigned or instructional time cap, a grievance may be filed. As a professional courtesy, and to ensure compliance with the Code of Professional Conduct, you will want to inform school administration of your intent.

Teachers can calculate their own assignable and instruction hours by using these two Calculators:



You will need:

  1. Your timetable, with bell schedule;
  2. Calendar (school and division);
  3. List of your activities (school assigned); and
  4. Joint Interpretation Bulletin No 1 (for what is and is not defined as assignable time).

Please note that you may experience the following technical issues with the calculators:

  1. The spreadsheets have been created on Excel and are only supported for use with Excel, on both Mac and PC.
  2. ChromeBooks (Google Sheets) are not supported.
  3. Users can change column widths and can copy/paste information from a cell on one sheet to an another cell on a different sheet (useful for copying timetable information from one day to another).

If you have concerns or questions, please contact Teacher Welfare at or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask for Teacher Welfare. Note that advice cannot be provided via email. Please provide a telephone contact number where you can be reached.

 Assignable Time Calculator Guide

Joint Interpretation Bulletins

Joint Interpretation Bulletin 1 Assignable Time

Joint Interpretation Bulletin 2 Part Time has been replaced with Bulletin 5 (see below)

Joint Interpretation Bulletin 3 Effective Dates

Joint Interpretation Bulletin 4 Reasonable Workday

Joint Interpretation Bulletin 5 Part Time